Saturday, May 24, 10.30 am – 4.00 pm
This day will help us to reflect anew on our understanding of who God is, what God wants, what the mission of Jesus was, and what is the role of the Christian community in our world today. How do we understand ‘sin’ in today’s world? What did Jesus mean by ‘The Kingdom of God belongs to the poor?” Is the Eucharist central to our spirituality or an obligation the Church requires of us? The day will include input, time for reflection and personal prayer and some group sharing.
Cost: €25 Deposit: €10 Booking essential. Bring a packed lunch.
Tea/coffee /biscuits available.
Fr Peter McVerry SJ has been working with Dublin’s young homeless for more than 30 years. During this time he has campaigned tirelessly for the rights of these young people. Some services he put in place include an open access service, supported accommodation, drug services, under 18s hostels and apartments across the city to offer longer-term housing for those ready to live independently.