In 2013 we opened a primary school in Riwoto, South Sudan in collaboration with the Kiltegan Fathers, an Irish missionary congregation long established in Africa. Riwoto is in the Diocese of Torit and very near the Kenyan border. The people are of the Taposa tribe and many have been Christians for a long time due to the work of the Camboni Fathers before the civil war.
English is the official language of the new country of South Sudan and there is great interest in education and in learning English. Only 2% of the population has completed primary school so education is vital in helping this new but very poor country to grow and flourish.
We have been greatly helped in setting up this venture by the generosity of many Holy Faith sisters, family members, friends, Associates and some companies in Ireland with whom we have had a long-term relationship.
Sadly the unrest in South Sudan has the potential to spread and to undo much of the progress towards nation building. We pray for peace and for respect of all human life.