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St Brigid’s Primary Greystones learn about the Environment

St Brigid’s Primary School Greystones celebrated St Brigid’s Day and Catholic Schools Week by reflecting on the environment.

Kilian in Room 9 tells us about the visit of Sr Evelyn, a Holy Faith sister.

‘Room 9 would like to thank Sr Evelyn for coming to talk to us about our World.  We really enjoyed all the information she gave us. It was very interesting when she put symbols of earth, fire, water and sky on a table to represent our world – mother earth.She told us about the letter that Pope Francis had written.  

We learned that his letter was called “Laudato Sí” and that it was addressed to the world.  Pope Francis told us that we need to care for our environment –before it’s too late!

We put our fingerprints on a picture of a tree to show that we will all care for the world’


Ben, also from Room 9, wrote about the School Mass on St Brigid’s Day

On the first day of February we celebrated St Brigid’s Day with a special Mass at 10am in the Church of the Holy Rosary. We learned from Fr John that it was the first day of Spring and Grandparents Day. He told us some stories about St Brigid. Some we knew but others we hadn’t heard before.

During the Mass, we sang some lovely hymns such as “We sing a song to Brigid” and “All the ends of the earth”. Mr Dodd played the guitar, Ms Hughes played the keyboard and Ms Murray played the flute. They sounded great.

Our prayers of the faithful were based on caring for the environment. Fr John talked about the special letter that Pope Francis had written – “Laudato Sí”. The pope told us that we need to care for the world NOW!

Everyone enjoyed the Mass and everyone joined in.

It was a great way to start the day.

Three students, Stephen with help from Jude and Sennan,  offered an interpretation of the Pope Francis’ Letter, laudato si

It is a religious letter sent to the world telling us to live environmentally and respect all aspects of creation equally and justly by reducing waste, global warming and pollution to protect our common home.

We should all treat the world better as God had intended us to treat it, as we have gone astray from his teaching of respect, love, peace and justice.

If we all follow this message we can protect our world.

Thank you Kilian, Ben, Stephen, Jude, Sennan, Sr Evelyn, and Fr John for helping us to think about our actions and what we can do to help the planet.

Thank you to Sr Kathleen for organising the day.