Thought for the Month!
May I be loving, open, and aware in this moment; If I cannot be loving, open, and aware in this moment, may I be kind;

People’s Vaccine Alliance Ireland
The science is clear. The fairest and most effective way to end this pandemic is to ensure that everyone, everywhere has access to a COVID-19

Vacancy Notice
Vacancy: Director, Margaret Aylward Centre for Faith and Dialogue, Glasnevin, Dublin. Applications are now invited for the position of Director which will become vacant in

2021 Laudato Si’ Week:”For We Know That Things Can Change”
This year marks the fifth year since the of publication of Laudato Si’. Pope Francis’s encyclical calls us all to a greater awareness of and

Trinidad: St. Monica’s Easter Art Competition 2021
This Easter, the children of St. Monica’s Preparatory School participated in an art competition, expressing the theme: What Easter Means to Me. This was truly

I AM WITH YOU STILL – Faith Reflections from a Covid-19 World
I AM WITH YOU STILL – Faith Reflections from a Covid-19 World, recently published by Veritas was initiated by Pamela McLoughlin. Speaking about the year

Mission Update – “Losing my heart” in South Sudan
Sister Jacinta Prunty, a Holy Faith Sister, with the blessing of her congregation, decided to travel to South Sudan to become a volunteer tutor. Her

Questioning COVID
And – what – Master Covid, have you achieved? A world subdued? A people humbled and afraid? Many, many deaths ……. So much loss, and

Blessings For Saint Patrick’s Day
Lúireach Phádraig (Saint Patrick’s Breastplate) composed by Marie Dunne CHF and sung by Patricia Bourke. To listen click on the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qyEMSV5w4o

Celebrating St Brigid and Springtime
Click on the Image to view the artwork from the children of Holy Faith Convent, Couva, Trinidad. Music by Lisa Thiel – Song to Brighid

Wishing You A Happy Christmas 2020
Wishing you a happy Christmas and a New Year of renewed life and hope. Photos of the handmade gifts from the Marian House annual Sale

Promoting Social Justice – Building The Common Good.
Our Holy Faith Associate and past student of Holy Faith Convent, Couva, Leela Ramdeen, was one of four women who received a special award from