General Chapter July 2017
The General Chapter of the Holy Faith sisters takes place from 6 to 16 July inclusive. This is a time of prayerful reflection on our

Courage and Compassion World Refugee Day 2017
The figures are staggering: a record 65.6 million people last year forced from their homes by violence and persecution: 12 million Syrians, 7.7 million Colombians,

Reflective Garden opens in Celbridge
After a whole week of glorious sunshine in May, Saturday, the day of the Opening and blessing of the Reflective Garden in the Wellsprings Centre,

Ecumenical Bible Week in Glasnevin
Ecumenical Bible week runs from 1-4 June 2017: a great chance to update yourself on some wide-ranging topics. At the Margaret Aylward Centre in Holy

New Venture at Margaret Alyward Centre California
The new sewing club at the Margaret Aylward Cenrer-Casa Santa Fe is underway. meeting every two weeks. The sewing club serves people in the community

Historic Ceremony in Dublin
A large crowd participated in the ceremony of beatification of Jesuit Fr John Sullivan on Saturday 13 May in Gardiner Street, Dublin. The event made

Jesuit Fr John Sullivan Beatification in Dublin
Fr John Sullivan, a Jesuit priest, will be beatified on Saturday 13 May 2017 in the Jesuit –run parish of Gardiner St Church, Dublin. This

Easter Light Alleluia
Alleluia – the joy of Easter is here! May the light of the Risen Christ gladden the hearts of all and plane in us the

Walk the Way of the Cross: Two Opportunities
Living around Glasnevin? Come and join us on Good Friday morning to walk the Way of the Cross. Beginning at 10.00 you will see us

Sr Marie Dunne’s New CD Launched
Ripples of the Divine, a new CD by Holy Faith sister, Marie Dunne was launched 24 March by Brenda Drumm of Catholic Communications Office, Maynooth

Farewell to Fairfield California
‘There is a time for everything under heaven’ and the time has come for the Holy Faith sisters to say goodbye to Holy Spirit parish,