Working For Racial Harmony In New Orleans.
The Clarion Herald, New Orleans newspaper celebrates the work of Holy Faith Sister Teresa Rooney in the Office for Racial Harmony. Teresa has had to leave her position in this…
The Clarion Herald, New Orleans newspaper celebrates the work of Holy Faith Sister Teresa Rooney in the Office for Racial Harmony. Teresa has had to leave her position in this…
The new sewing club at the Margaret Aylward Cenrer-Casa Santa Fe is underway. meeting every two weeks. The sewing club serves people in the community in a variety of ways. …
'There is a time for everything under heaven' and the time has come for the Holy Faith sisters to say goodbye to Holy Spirit parish, Fairfield in the Diocese of…
Each year in October, around the feast day of St. Luke, patron of the medical profession the White Mass is celebrated in Los Angeles cathedral. So called because many participants wear…