A weekend of reflection and workshops in Los Angeles was rounded off with celebrations for two sisters who are 50 years professed and one who is 60 years professed.
What is a Jubilee of religious profession about? Married couples celebrate milestones of 25, 40, 50 and 60 years of marriage and they have lived their vocation to marriage with great fidelity and unfailing love in spite of the ups and downs of life. It is the same for sisters. At profession, these three women promised to devote their whole lives to God in the service of others and so they, and we, celebrate their fidelity and unfailing love over the years.
I suppose the life of a sister is lived in the public sphere in the sense that she is involved in public ministry and for these three sisters that public ministry is in Catholic education, service to undocumented people and ministry to the homeless. Each feels privileged to serve others and we thank them for their commitment, love and companionship in community.