Is Purgatory anywhere?
In November we pray for our dead, sometimes referring to the souls in purgatory. Usually we think of Purgatory as a place we would rather

White Coat Mass in Los Angeles
Each year in October, around the feast day of St. Luke, patron of the medical profession the White Mass is celebrated in Los Angeles cathedral.

Migrants and Refugees: conference with a difference.
So often we hear about migrants and refugees. In this day conference, last Saturday, we heard from migrants and refugees. Their voices inspired, encouraged and

Lessons from an Old Democracy
Ancient Athens and its leader Pericles prided themselves on their form of government, democracy. Pericles described some features of life in a democratic city. In

News from New Orleans
When I was young and attending school with the Holy Faith Sisters, I was taught to pray as if everything depends on God and to

Adding up the Sisters
When the Second Vatican Council ended in 1965, there were 329,800 men religious and almost one million women religious. They were to be found in

Riwoto Report
Thanks to a generous grant from the Bank of Ireland, a very handsome donation from Our Lady of Victories parish, Ballymun, Dublin and a contribution from

Why Have Saints?
Mother Teresa has been declared a saint amidst great publicity, acclaim and some criticism. Most of the criticism and some of the acclaim miss the
Solidarity with Italian Earthquake Victims
Today Italy marks a national day of mourning for the victims of the earthquake in Central Italy last Wednesday morning. Pope Francis has called for

Too little, too slowly, Refugees in Ireland
Refugee Settlement in Ireland 520 refugees are to be resettled in Ireland by 31 December 2017, of whom 273 have been admitted from Lebanon to

Women Deacons – Pope Francis
True to his word, Pope Francis has set up a Commission to examine the question of Women Deacons. He had given this promise to the
Summer Break
Summer Break is here! Back on 1 August. Wish all a restful break and for our friends in the southern hemisphere a warm winter!